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公 司: 济南笨鸟先飞地面找平 
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腾师傅 先生 (总经理)
电  话: 0531-58969192
传  真: 0531-58969192
手  机: 13688634565
地  址: 中国山东济南市济南市各地均可服务
邮  编: 250000
公 司:济南笨鸟先飞地面找平



The concrete mixing station output normally by the concrete mixing station size determined by the types of large, the output value is relatively high, the type of small output will be smaller, as indicated by the type of manufacturers is its theoretical value, but the actual productivity is the size of the producer to take control of their own for today. What factors affect our analysis of all the concrete mixing station output.
Analysis of the factors affecting the productivity of concrete mixing station
First of all, the quality of the operator has a great influence on the output value of the mixing station, so we should strengthen the training of the personnel and achieve the professional attitude of production.
The second type is not the same of course is one of the main reasons, the other is the same type of concrete mixing station, there is a simple and standard, and the simple type mixing station in the production value is bound to less than the standard type mixing station. This is because the two are not the same. The equipment simple type concrete mixing station generally the control system is manually or semi automatically, and then use the standard type mixing station automatic control system.
Although the value

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