I engaged in the antique industry for many years, there is a collection to sell or want to learn from each other can contact me Miss Ma:18819382585 micro signal is: h3231244437
本人从事古玩行业多年,有藏品想出手或者想互相学习可以联系我 马小姐 :18819382585 Q Q : 3231244437
2461 已结束 光绪元宝(湖北省造) 800,000--1,600,000 2015-08-05
2412 已结束 光绪元宝 1,344,000--2,688,000 2015-08-05
2344 已结束 北洋造光绪元宝 2,800,000--5,600,000 2015-08-05
2253 已结束 大清铜币(户部)、光绪元宝 1,344,000--2,688,000 2015-08-05
2366 已结束 湖北省造光绪元宝 480,000--960,000 2015-08-05
2343 已结束 光绪元宝四龙壹两银币 2,240,000--4,480,000 2015-08-05
2251 已结束 福建省官局造光绪元宝 528,000--1,056,000 2015-08-05
2116 已结束 光绪元宝/民国二十四年帆船一元银币/大清银币 1,440,000--2,880,000 2015-08-05
2263 已结束 光绪元宝(北洋造) 400,000--800,000 2015-08-05
2176 已结束 光绪元宝(库平七钱二分)湖北省造银币 960,000--1,920,000 2015-08-05
I engaged in the antique industry for many years, there is a collection to sell or want to learn from each other can contact me Miss Ma:18819382585 micro signal is: h3231244437
本人从事古玩行业多年,有藏品想出手或者想互相学习可以联系我 马小姐 :18819382585 Q Q : 3231244437 |