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专业代理义隆EM78P418NSO20J SOP20原装正品现货热卖中 专业代理义隆EM78P418NSO20J SOP20原装正品现货热卖中//专业代理义隆EM78P418NSO20J SOP20原装正品现货热卖中

公 司: 深圳微瑞微电子科技有限公司 
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  联系信息 企业信息
彭小姐 女士 (销售)
电  话: 0755-28329994
传  真: 0755-84863390
手  机: 15338875957
地  址: 中国广东深圳市龙岗区龙岗街道龙岗路10号硅谷动力电子商务港603
邮  编: 518116
公 司:深圳微瑞微电子科技有限公司



General Description

The EM78P418N is an 8-bit microprocessor designed and developed with low-power, high-speed CMOS technology. This device has an on-chip 4Kx13-bit Electrical One Time Programmable Read Only Memory (OTP-ROM). It provides Protection bits to prevent intrusion of user's code in the OTP memory as well as from unwanted external accesses. Three Code Option bits are also available to meet user's application requirements.
With its enhanced OTP-ROM features, the EM78P418N provides a convenient way of developing and verifying user's programs. Moreover, this OTP device offers the advantages of easy and effective program updates, using development and programming tools. User can avail of the ELAN Writer to easily program his development code.

CPU configuration
4Kx13 bits on-chip ROM
144x8 bits on-chip registers (SRAM)
8 level stacks for subroutine nesting
Less than 2.2 Ma at 5V/4MHz
Typically 15 Ua, at 3V/32kHz
Typically 1 Ua, during sleep mode
I/O port configuration
3 bi-directional I/O ports
Wake-up port : P6
8 Programmable pull-down I/O pins
8 programmable pull-high I/O pins
8 programmable open-drain I/O pins
External interrupt : P50
Operating voltage range:
2.3V~5.5V at 0°C~70°C (commercial)
2.5V~5.5V at -40°C~85°C (industrial)
Operating frequency range (base on 2 clocks):
Crystal mode: DC ~ 20 MHz, 5V; DC ~ 8MHz, 3V
ERC mode: DC ~ 16MHz, 5V; DC ~ 4MHz, 3V
IRC mode: 4MHz at 2.3V~5.5V

Internal RC Frequency Draft Rate
Temperature(-40°C~85°C) Voltage(2.3V~5.5V) Process Total
4MHz ±10% ±5% ±4% ±19%
8MHz ±10% ±6% ±4% ±20%
1MHz ±10% ±5% ±4% ±19%
455kHz ±10% ±5% ±4% ±19%
All these four main frequencies can be trimmed by programming with four calibrated bits in the ICE418N Simulator. OTP is auto trimmed by ELAN Writer.
Fast set-up time requires only 2ms in high Crystal and 32 CLKS in IRC mode from wake up to operating mode.
Peripheral configuration
8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with selective signal sources, trigger edges, and overflow interrupt
8-bit multi-channel Analog-to-Digital Converter with 12-bit resolution in Vref mode
Three Pulse Width Modulation (PWM ) with 10-bit resolution
One pair of comparator (Can be set as an OP)
Power-down (Sleep) mode
Six available interrupts
TCC overflow interrupt
Input-port status changed interrupt (wake up from sleep mode)
External interrupt
ADC completion interrupt
PWM period match completion
Comparator high/low interrupt
Programmable free running watchdog timer
Power-on voltage detector provided (2.0V+0.1V)
Package types:
18 pin DIP 300mil : EM78P418ND18J/S
18 pin SOP 300mil : EM78P418NSO18J/S
20 pin DIP 300mil : EM78P418ND20J/S
20 pin SOP 300mil : EM78P418NSO20J/S
24 pin skinny DIP 300mil : EM78P418NK24J/S
24 pin SOP 300mil : EM78P418NSO24J/S
Note: Green products do not contain hazardous substances
如需要时请联系,15338875957 彭小姐 或者QQ咨询:765165373

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