JIS Standard 日本标准家具测试
1. JIS S
1200 Furniture-Storage units-Determination of strength and durability 家具--储物单元--强度和耐久性要求
2. JIS S
1201 Furniture-Storage units-Determination of stability 家具--储物单元--稳定性要求
3. JIS S
1202 Tables - Determination of Stability
4. JIS S
1203 Furniture - Chairs and Stools - Deternination of Strength and
Duability 家具--椅子--强度和耐久性测试
5. JIS S
1204 Funiture - Chair - Determination of Stability Part 1: Upright Chairs and
Stools 家具-椅子 – 稳定性测试
6. JIS S
1205:1998 Furniture - Tables - Determination of Strength and Durability 家具-桌子-强度和耐久性要求
7. JIS S
1028 Office Furniture - Wooden Chairs 木制椅子 was withdrawn
8. JIS S
1032 Office Furniture - Chairs 办公家具--办公椅 |