A straight line guide rail is arranged on the side surface of the bracket. The welding head moves on the guide rail, and the moving speed is stepless adjustable.
The welding head is run by a stepper motor through a micro reducer, and then through the gear, rack to achieve linear motion.
The stepper motor is stepless speed regulation, the welding head is controlled by PLC, and the stroke size can be set according to the requirement. The maximum stroke limit is controlled by the travel switch to ensure safety.
Installed on the welding head and welding gun with continuous welding can achieve wide weld.
It is possible to preset multiple sets of swing parameters to facilitate the switching of the swing parameters during welding.
With large capacity memory and power failure protection function to ensure that the setting of the swing parameters in the event of a sudden power failure is not lost.
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司(咨询电话 0538-5358300)座落在风景秀丽的泰山脚下,东平湖畔,。东临泰山,西依黄河,南与孔孟故里相望。京沪高铁、济广高速公路贯穿而过,交通非常便利。
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司(13345281377)主要产品有焊接自动化成套装备、数控切割机、工业焊接机器人和数字化逆变焊接电源、焊缝跟踪系统及焊接摆动器等,是一家综合技术实力领先的自动化、智能化焊接成套装备的供应商。产品广泛应用于国内外机械制造、化工、汽车配件制造、农用机械、建筑、金属波纹管、太阳能热水器、电热水器、不锈钢制品等多个领域,在全国各个地区,产品质量和性能都受到了用户的一致 |
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