Electrical/Optical Characteristics(Tc=25℃)
Module Number:OLD-XXXXXX
Parameter Symbol Condition Limits Value Unit
Min Max.
Threshold Crent Ith CW - 20 12.03 mA
Operating Current Iop CW 50 80 42.00 mA
Outpur Power from Fiber End Pf CW,If=Iop 4 - 5.35 mW
Central Wavelength λc CW,If=Iop 1530 1570 1550.5 nm
Band Width(20dB) △λ 0.05 0.1 0.07 nm
Side Mode Suppression Ratio SMSR CW,If=Iop 35 - 60 dB
Monitor Current Imon CW,If=Iop,Vrd=5V 100 3000 205.02 uA
Carrier to Noise Ratio CNR If=Iop,OpticalModulation,
60PAL-D unmodulated carries
(47 to 550 MHz),10km
singlemode fiber,-1 dBm
received power,Receiver responsivity=0.85A/W 51 - 51.0 dB
Composite Second order CSO - -57 -62 dBc
Composite Tiple Beat CTB - -65 -68 dB |