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公 司: 章丘市同盛涂装设备厂 
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侯经理 先生 (总经理)
电  话: 0531-83543283
传  真: 0531-83543283
手  机: 15165419777
地  址: 中国山东济南市山东省章丘市辛寨驻地
邮  编: 250000
公 司:章丘市同盛涂装设备厂



1.给排风的设计不合理, 造成喷漆操作环境排风效果不佳。主要表现是给风过滤系统阻力大、产生负压、局部有死角。在喷漆作业时反弹漆雾对板件有二次污染现象,对产品质量有一定的影响。
1 to exhaust the design is unreasonable, resulting in poor operation of spray painting operation environment. The main performance is to air filtration system resistance, negative pressure, local dead. There are two phenomena of pollution to the plate during the spray painting operation, which has a certain influence on the quality of the products.
2.片面追求给排风效果, 使给排风风量及风压过大,从而增加了设备投入和运行费用。尤其对北方的木器生产厂, 冬季还需要加热送风, 给排风的风机过大, 造成的热损也就越大, 从而增加了企业生产成本。
2 one-sided pursuit of exhaust effect, so that the exhaust air volume and wind pressure is too large, thus increasing the equipment investment and operating costs. In particular, the north of the wood production plant, the winter also need to heat the air supply to the exhaust fan is too large, resulting in greater heat loss, thus increasing the cost of production.
一般说来, 在设计计算时,吸口风速要求控制在0.05m/s,送风出口的风速控制在0.35m/s,以此选择风机的机型。
Generally speaking, in the design calculation, the suction mouth wind speed requirements in 0.05m/s, the wind speed of the outlet control in 0.35m/s, in order to select the type of fan.
3. 喷漆房的照明布局不合理、对应的照度不够, 不能给喷漆提供良好的工作环境, 还有一些企业在漆房的照明上不采用防爆的灯具,给生产带来严重的安全隐患。
3 spray painting room lighting layout is not reasonable, the intensity is not enough, not to paint with good working environment, there are some companies in the paint room lighting on the explosion-proof lamps, bring a serious security risk to production.

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