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Pramoxine HCL Pramoxine HCL//Pramoxine HCL

公 司: 济南诚汇双达化工有限公司 
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高爱兵 先生 (外贸经理)
电  话: 053158897090
传  真: 053158897032
手  机: 15689693073
地  址: 中国山东济南市济南市高新区开拓路2350号,诚创大厦
邮  编: 250101
公 司:济南诚汇双达化工有限公司



    Pramocaine (INN and BAN, also known as pramoxine or pramoxine HCI) is a topical anesthetic discovered at Abbott Laboratories in 1953[1] and used as an antipruritic. During research and development, pramocaine hydrochloride stood out among a series of alkoxy aryl alkamine ethers as an especially good topical local anesthetic agent.[1] Pharmacologic study revealed it to be potent and of low acute and subacute toxicity, well tolerated by most mucous membranes and of a low sensitizing index in humans.[1] Like other local anesthetics, pramocaine decreases the permeability of neuronal membranes to sodium ions, blocking both initiation and conduction of nerve impulses. Depolarization and repolarization of excitable neural membranes is thus inhibited, leading to numbness.
Topical anesthetics are used to relieve pain and itching caused by conditions such as sunburn or other minor burns, insect bites or stings, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, and minor cuts and scratches.[2] The popular itch creams Gold Bond and some forms of calamine lotion use pramocaine hydrochloride to numb sensitive skin, as does the pain relief variant of Neosporin and some formulations of Sarna. The hydrochloride salt form of pramocaine is water-soluble.
Pramocaine and dibucaine are also common ingredients in over the counter hemorrhoid preparations

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