服务热线:任先生 0510-82031602 18961839178 QQ1959534063
DIN 54837: Testing of materials, small components and component sections for rail vehicles-Determination of burning behaviour using a gas burner. DIN 54837: 铁路车辆用材料、小型部件和组件的测试,用燃气燃烧器测试燃烧特性。
DIN54837此测试方法用于DIN 5510-2中S2-S5燃烧等级测试。S2: 破坏范围≤30cmS3: 破坏范围≤25cm,后燃烧时间≤100SS4: 破坏范围≤20cm,后燃烧时间≤10SS5: 破坏范围=0cm,后燃烧时间=0S
DIN 54837此测试同时还可以进行烟的发展(未达到SR1,SR1-SR2)及熔滴测试(ST1-ST2)
DIN 5510-2:2009-05 Preventive fire protection in railway vehicles; Part 2: Fire behaviour and fire side effects of materials and parts- Classification, requirements and test methods. DIN 5510-2:2009-05 轨道车辆防火措施—第2部分:材料和构件的燃烧特性和燃烧并发现象—分类、要求和测试方法。
DIN 53438-1:1984 Testing of combustible materials; response to ignition by a small flame; general date. DIN 53438-1:1984 可燃材料试验—用小火焰点火--一般数据 |