与铝型材或者矩形管相比,具有如下优点 :
Compared with aluminum profile or rectangular tube, it has the following advantages:
1、在满足能够承载相同载荷的情况下,采用钣金折弯的梁结构比铝型材小巧轻便 ;
1, in order to meet the same load, the use of sheet metal bending beam structure is smaller and more lightweight than aluminum profile;
2、在壁厚和外形长、宽尺寸相同的情况下,采用钣金折弯的梁结构与矩形管比,其能承载更大的力或载荷 ;
2, in the same thickness and shape of the length and width of the same situation, the use of sheet metal bending beam structure and rectangular tube ratio, it can bear greater force or load;
3、折弯机的每把折弯刀具可折出多种壁厚和多种尺寸的 C 形钣金梁结构,而每种铝型材均需一副对应的挤压模具,且铝型材的生产周期比较长,亦即钣金梁结构的产品多样性和生产加工中的自由灵活性要好 ;
Each of the 3 bending tool, bending machine can be folded to form an C sheet metal beam structure of various thickness and various sizes, each kind of aluminum extrusion die and are a pair of corresponding, and the aluminum production cycle is relatively long, better flexibility that is free of sheet metal structure product variety and production and processing in;
4、由于折弯刀具为通用件,即一把折弯刀具可折弯出多种形状和尺寸的钣金梁结构,故成本较铝型材的多副挤压模具低 ;
4, because the bending tool for the general case, i.e. a bending tool can be bent sheet metal beams of different shapes and sizes, so the cost is aluminum profile extrusion die low vice;
5, the improvement of production efficiency.
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司(咨询电话 0538-5358300)座落在风景秀丽的泰山脚下,东平湖畔。东临泰山,西依黄河,南与孔孟故里相望。京沪高铁、济广高速公路贯穿而过,交通非常便利。
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司(13345281377)主要产品有焊接自动化成套装备、数控切割机、工业焊接机器人和数字化逆变焊接电源、焊缝跟踪系统及焊接摆动器等,是一家综合技术实力领先的自动化、智能化焊接成套装备的供应商。产品广泛应 |
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