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软板UL认证样品, UL认证双面铝基板样品要求 软板UL认证样品, UL认证双面铝基板样品要求//软板UL认证样品, UL认证双面铝基板样品要求

公 司: 苏州优尔检测咨询有限公司 
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陶小姐 女士 (客服)
电  话: 0512-86881628
传  真: 0512-68780125
手  机: 13913142465
地  址: 中国江苏苏州市苏州新区狮山路75号
邮  编: 215001
公 司:苏州优尔检测咨询有限公司



    Wiring, Printed - Flexible Material Constructions - Component

The devices covered under this category are incomplete in certain constructional features or restricted in performance capabilities and are intended for use as components of complete equipment submitted for investigation rather than for direct separate installation in the field. THE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPONENT IS DEPENDENT UPON ITS INSTALLATION AND USE IN COMPLETE EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED TO UL.

The category covers printed wiring construction incorporating flexible materials for use as components in devices or appliances. Flexible materials are defined as films or materials exhibiting flexible properties. The constructions may use flexible materials in a single or multilayer build-up and in combination with additional flexible or rigid materials. Flexible material constructions may employ etched, die stamped, precut, flush-press, additive plated conductors, polymer thick film, dual access, cast and adhesiveless techniques. Printed-component parts may be used.

Printed wiring, flexible material constructions evaluated for "flexible applications" may be considered suitable for repeated flexing operations. If the end-use product application requires repeated flexing, the construction shall be investigated for the particular application. Printed wiring, flexible material constructions evaluated for "bendable applications" are not considered suitable for repeated flexing operations and are intended to be positioned into place only during installation and servicing. Printed wiring, flexible material constructions evaluated for "non-flexible applications" are not considered suitable for flexing or bending during operation, installation and/or servicing.

The suitability of the pattern parameters, temperature and maximum solder limits are subject to the applicable end-use product construction and performance requirements. The suitability of additional adhesive and/or adhesive/stiffener, not evaluated under this category, are subject to the applicable end-use product construction and performance requirements.

Minimum Cladding Condu

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:陶小姐 电话:0512-86881628

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