Working principle of the whole machine:
Before the work, the loader is supplied with sand and stone materials to each storage hopper respectively.
按配料控制仪说明书要求,向配料控制仪输入配方(不用的物料一定设为0)。按下配料按钮后,配料机便开始进入自动配料程序。其工作过程为:首先料Ⅰ皮带机开始工作,将料Ⅰ输送到称料斗,当称料斗内料Ⅰ的重量达到其设定值时,料Ⅰ皮带机自动停止;接着料Ⅱ皮带机自动开启,当称料斗中的物料重量达到料Ⅰ、料Ⅱ的设定值之和时,料Ⅱ皮带机停止,料Ⅲ皮带机开始工作… …,如此四种物料配齐后,机器便处于等待状态。这时按下出料按钮,出料皮带机工作,将配好的混凝土干料卸入搅拌机料斗。出料完毕后,出料皮带机自动停止,并自动开始第二个循环配料,第二个循环配料结束,又等待出料,如此往复。
According to the specification requirements of the batching control instrument, the formula is input to the batching controller (no material must be set to 0). When the batching button is pressed, the batching machine begins to enter the automatic batching program. The working process is as follows: firstly, I feed belt machine began to work, I will be transported to the known material hopper, when I called the hopper in weight reached the set value, the automatic stop of feeding belt machine; then the material automatically open II belt machine as the material in the hopper material material weight reached I, II set the value of the material, II belt machine stops, III belt machine start working material...... So, the four materials are complete, the machine is in a wait state. Then press the discharging button, a material conveyer, concrete material with good discharge into the mixer hopper. After the discharge is completed, the belt conveyor automatically stops, and automatically starts second cycle ingredients, ends with second cycle ingredients, and then waits for discharging, so reciprocating.
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