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公 司: 济南焱安物流有限公司 
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魏经理 先生 (总经理)
电  话: 0531-58829735
传  真: 0531-58829735
手  机: 18866826111
地  址: 中国山东济南市济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33号
邮  编:
公 司:济南焱安物流有限公司



Please avoid the following 5 vehicles, which will greatly reduce the probability of a rear end accident.
(1) not with a large truck. Large trucks is tall and wide, easy to block the car after driving sight. A large truck often runs through a red light, and the car is in danger of passing through a crossroad because the car is blocked by a big car and can't see the red light.
(2) not with large, small buses. Like large trucks, it is also easy to block the line of sight, and some large and small buses do not turn on the lights when they enter or leave the station. If they are close or on both sides, they will be prone to accidents.
(3) not with the car in the field. Drivers in the field of city road as general local people understand is not familiar with the road, will naturally or half unconsciously violations, such as running a red light, to break a single line, reverse driving, forced to change lanes, some owners will not see that there was no car, step on the brakes for temporary parking. There are some long-distance drivers often fatigue driving, the car left and right, with very dangerous behind.
(4) do not follow the low-grade car. If you drive a car with good condition and high grade, it is best not to follow the rear of the low-grade car, because the speed of the low-speed vehicle

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