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Elvis艾立仕HVW-02单筒观鸟镜 Elvis艾立仕HVW-02单筒观鸟镜//Elvis艾立仕HVW-02单筒观鸟镜

公 司: 上海铭熊仪器仪表有限公司 
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
许慧莲 女士 (销售助理)
电  话: 021-31596223
传  真:
手  机: 18437960892
地  址: 中国上海奉贤区南桥镇绿地翡翠国际广场3号楼1818室
邮  编: 201499
公 司:上海铭熊仪器仪表有限公司



    Explorer HVW-02(20-60X80)SLR cameras available

Elvis precision optical system with multiple patented coating makes the image clear and the color natural. The details of the scene in the dark environment are still in view. The products are mainly used in railway, electricity, telecommunications, bird watching and other industries.

The body is filled with nitrogen, which can prevent dust,fog,and water uo to four meters. All day can be used.

The aluminium alloy body is wrapped with skidproof rubber, which is tough enough. The hand feeling is great.

The extra-large foccus ring makes the operation more convenient, and it still can be easily operated with gloves in cold weather.

The built-in objective lens cover is coated with anti-reflective material, which can reduce the glare.

There is a safety device between the mirror body and the eyepiece to prevent accidental loss of the eyepiece.

HD objective lens use NSC coating, which can effectively reduce the dispersion phenomenon. In the backlight environment, the details of the image are still clearly visible.

★ Large eyepiece, 45 degree exit angle, comfortable to use
★ Standard photography tripod interface, can be used with the camera,easy to operate
★ High-quality prism, multi-coating, clear amd bright image

Product Parameters
Product Model: Explorer HVW-02(20-60X80)
Magnification: 20-60X
Objective Diameter(mm): 80
Closest Focusing Distance(m): 6M
Lens Coating: FMCT
Field of View at1000m(m): 30-15M
Exit Pupil Diameter(mm): 4.0-1.3
Exit Pupil Distance: 18-15
Angle of View: 45°
Brightness Index: 52.7°
Product Size: 433X93X155
Weight(g) 140

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:许慧莲 电话:021-31596223

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