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德国Elvis艾立仕HS10X42望远镜 德国Elvis艾立仕HS10X42望远镜//德国Elvis艾立仕HS10X42望远镜

公 司: 上海铭熊仪器仪表有限公司 
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
许慧莲 女士 (销售助理)
电  话: 021-31596223
传  真:
手  机: 18437960892
地  址: 中国上海奉贤区南桥镇绿地翡翠国际广场3号楼1818室
邮  编: 201499
公 司:上海铭熊仪器仪表有限公司



    Legende HS10X42(low-light-level night vision)

The product is designed for the general customer based on the new concept. The series, while maintaining high performance, has achieved portability and comfort.

LS high resolution coating is used in the lens group.
Phase difference compensation coating is used in Roof prism.
Silver reflective film is used in auxiliary prism.
High precision optical system is used to achieve high resolution field of view, so that the low-light index of the lens can be improved and observation can be made in adverse light conditions at night.

The use of central focusing and central diopter regulation structure, makes focusing and diopter regulation smoother.

The use of light die-casting aluminum alloy material makes the body more sturdy.

Mobility is our most preferred indicator.

Small, light, and applicable to a variety of scenes.
Product Parameters
Product Model: Legende HS10X42
Magnification: 10X
Objective Diameter(mm): 42X
Closest Focusing Distance(m): 2.5M
Field of View(°): 6.6°
Field of View at1000m(m): 115M
Exit Pupil Diameter(mm): 4.2
Exit Pupil Distance: 16
Pupil Distance Adjustment Range(mm): 54-72
Brightness Index: 42.6°
Product Size: 131X51X144
Weight(g) 66

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:许慧莲 电话:021-31596223

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