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公 司: 山东福和特种养殖场 
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张经理 先生 (经理)
电  话: 15092777938
传  真: 17076094940
手  机: 15621899157
地  址: 中国山东嘉祥县山东省济宁市嘉祥县黄垓乡
邮  编: 272400
公 司:山东福和特种养殖场



Diarrhea is a common disease of pigs. How do we treat it at this time? Some friends may know that starvation therapy, that is, fasting when taking medicine, not feeding pig feed, but drinking water mixture, the effect is better.
Because of the diarrhea in the pig, no matter which cause of the diarrhea, the intestinal tube becomes larger, the intestinal wall becomes thinner, the intestinal tube is congested, and the intestinal peristalsis accelerates. Some viral diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting.
In this case, if the pig is fed again, the pig will increase the contents of the intestines. Under the harmful bacteria, the food in the intestines is fermented. The pig can aggravate the pig's condition by absorbing the toxins inside the intestines. There is food in the intestines, it will aggravate the burden in the intestine, and the antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs in the mixture can hardly be effectively played and absorbed.
If you use starvation therapy, let pigs drain the contents of the intestines and add drugs to the water by drinking water, so that the intestines will not expand. Through antiviral, water supplement, antibiotic antiphlogistic, sodium bicarbonate neutralization and gastric acid, it can inhibit the peristalsis of the intestines and also reduce the vomiting of pigs. Stopping diarrhea quickly and dissolving probiotics in water can protect intes

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