科仑电子生产供应卡板式F头母座 PCB板侧插式F-KE视频插座连接器。科仑电子是一家专业的射频同轴连接器生产厂家,主要生产BNC视频连接器插头插座,F头视频连接器插头插座,SMA射频连接器插头天线插座,TNC射频连接器插头天线插座,MCX射频连接器插头天线座,N型射频连接器插头插座,RF射频转接头,各类射频同轴连接器线缆插头插座。欢迎来电咨询选购。
F type joining devices use for 75 Ω cable assign system, especially CATV, broadcast television network, It can already be used for having impedance to mate the occasion required, can be used in not mating the occasion too. It is joined, inserts helping jointly that its characteristic is whorl , the price is suitable.
F type joining devices can exchange and use with the similar products in the world. FL10 products are M10X0.75 whorl, the structure, performance are the same as F type.
温度范围 -55~+155°C(PE Cable -40~+85°C)
特性阻抗 50Ω,75Ω
频率范围 DC~4GHz
工作电压 500Vr.m.s
耐压 1500Vr.m.s
接触电阻 内导体之间 <=1.5mΩ
外导体之间 <=1mΩ
绝缘电阻 >= 5000 MΩ
内导体保持力 >= 0.57N
插入损耗 0.20dB/3GHz
电压驻波比 直式 <=1.22/3GHz
弯式 <=1.30/3GHz
耐用性 >=500次 |