一、 展会时间:2019年3月19日-21日
二、 展会地点:英国 伦敦EXCEL展览中心
三、 展品内容:
 清洁机械与设备
 清洁工具及零配件、卫生用品
 清洁剂
各类专用清洁剂,消毒剂,抗菌剂,蜡水,晶面粉剂,养护剂,洗手液, 船舶类专用清洗剂,食品机械类专用清洗剂,工程类专用清洗剂等
 室内环境净化技术及用品
四、 展会数据:
超过130家展商 超过6000名专业观众 15%的国际参与者 超过35位演讲代表
超过25场免费研讨会 得到全球21家协会支持 年预算超100万英镑的采购商比例超过23%
五、 展会分析:
The Cleaning Show 2017 saw over 5,500 professional trade attendees including the great and the good from the cleaning and hygiene sector over three days ExCeL London, 14-16 March. Approximately 10% of the visitors travelled to London from overseas to network and place orders with the UK companies exhibiting.
Highlights included the free-to-attend seminar programme which attracted over 1,000 visitors who gained expert advice on health and safety, growing your business and an insight into the future and the new frontier of robotics.
Feedback from exhibitors has been incredibly positive with many praising the quality of the people who attended and confirming that they had taken considerable orders during the event. Many companies have already booked their stands for the UK’s largest cleaning and hygiene event in 2019 when it returns to London 19-21 Marc |