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特威DeVilbissAGMDpro喷枪高雾化喷枪木工家具自动喷枪 特威DeVilbissAGMDpro喷枪高雾化喷枪木工家具自动喷枪//特威DeVilbissAGMDpro喷枪高雾化喷枪木工家具自动喷枪

公 司: 深圳市立扬科技有限公司 
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
孙清 先生 (经理)
电  话: 13823127806
传  真: 0769-86009786
手  机: 13823127806
地  址: 中国广东深圳市深圳市宝安区福永街道龙腾阁新村4巷9号402F
邮  编: 518100
公 司:深圳市立扬科技有限公司



    Our engineers have taken
acknowledged leading atomization
technology and enhanced the market
leading AGMD Automatic gun to
produce the “AGMD PRO”.
Now incorporating LVMP Compliant
SPRAY performance with results to
match and exceed that of the traditional
air caps used today. This new platform
of Automatic gun technology has the
ability to improve Transfer Efficiency
while also providing reduced air
Improved maintenance and
serviceability comes as standard from
the AGMD PRO which is vital for the
high demand finishing industries.
A choice of three new high performance
air caps are available ensuring the
AGMD PRO gun is the ultimate choice
for industrial finish quality.
The new design AGMD PRO features
a simple quick detach gun head which
provides reduced production downtime
allowing servicing exchange for
maintenance in seconds. The improved
internal fluid passages facilitate
efficient color change and flushing
cycles required by Class A finishes.
The AGMD PRO gun can be configured
for standard machine mount
applications or upon adapters and hose
bundles suitable for most commo

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:孙清 电话:13823127806

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