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袁大头三年 袁大头三年 //袁大头三年

公 司: 江西艺缘拍卖有限公司 
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吴小姐 女士 (行政人员)
电  话: 0791-88105100
传  真:
手  机: 13177852291
地  址: 中国江西南昌市江西省南昌市青山湖区高新5路耐林中心
邮  编: 332000
公 司:江西艺缘拍卖有限公司




袁大头银元是中国货币历史的重要组成部分,是当时商品交换的产物,形状各异,品种众多,可以说其上印制的图案、花纹、文字都记录着历史,是一个近代中国历史发展的缩影,具有很大的收藏投资空间。Yuandatouyinyuan is an important part of the history of Chinese currency. He was the product of commodity exchanges at that time. He had a variety of shapes and varieties. It can be said that the printed patterns, patterns, and texts record history. He is a microcosm of the development of modern Chinese history. It has a lot of investment space for collection.

中华民国三年袁大头壹圆,在当时有着不错的流通市场。此币除铸造材质与规格以外,图案、纹饰、文字等各种些微之处基本与原版袁大头相同,钱币的正面中间为袁世凯戎装左侧面像,上方为“中华民国三年”,背面图案是两株交叉的稻穗,中央为“壹圆”字样。纹饰线条粗细均匀,笔画堪畅自然,层次感强,视觉效果好,钱文清秀俊逸,浮雕感明显,可见匠师的雕刻工艺十分高超。In the three years of the Republic of China, Yuandatou had a good circulation market. In addition to the casting material and specifications, this coin is basically the same as the original Yuandatou. The front middle of the coin is Yuan Shikai's left side image, and the top is "the Republic of China for three years." The back pattern is two crossed rice ears, and the center is the word "round". The lines of the lines are uniform, the strokes are natural, the layers are strong, the visual effects are good, and Qianwenqingxiu is elegant and the relief is obvious. It can be seen that the craftsmanship of the craftsman is very superb.

藏品采用贵重金属精制而成,色泽亮丽,图案考究,外观造型美观,质感甚佳。整币整体设计古朴却不失高贵,简洁却不失别致,落落大方,十分精美。其铸造精美,品相完好,没有太多磨损,包浆醇厚。The collection is made of precious metal, bright color, elegant pattern, beautiful appearance, and good texture. The overall design of the entire coin is simple but noble, simple but unique, generous, very exquisite. Its casting is exquisite, the quality is intact, there is not much wear, and the pulp is mellow

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:吴小姐 电话:0791-88105100

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