见,很多公共场合会安装防火窗,这就是防火窗的一个功能。在灾害发生的时候防火窗可以减少财务的损失以及产生度,防火窗是指用钢窗框、钢窗扇、防火玻璃组成的,能起隔离和阻止火势蔓延窗。(The general fire windows are simple and clear. The fire resistance of the fire windows is also extremely strong. It can prevent the spread of fire. In the event of fire, the fire windows can protect the people and protect their lives. Therefore, for safety
See, many public places will install fire windows, which is a function of the fire window. Fire windows can reduce financial losses and production in the event of a disaster. Fire windows are made up of steel window frames, steel sashes, and fire-resistant glass that can isolate and prevent fire spread windows.)
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