1. broad BACKGOUND information
2. specific PROBLEM (interesting, challeging)
3. REVIEW of existing solution to the problem
4. OUTLINE of the proposed solution
5. a SUMMARY of outcomes and evaluations
1. The Background about a context, a frame, for the problem to be reported, claiming its centrality or importance.
2. Review of literature about the aspects of the problem already studiedby other researchers
3. The Problem in this topic to to solved by the present study
4. The Proposal of the author’s study
5. The Contribution that give a value or benefit for carrying out the study
6. Rhetorical map showing how the paper is organised (some fields only check your target journal)
Body part
1. background
2. Related work
3. Proposals(my idea)
4. Design and experiment
5. results
6. discussion
Conclusion part
1. important results
2. limitations
3. problems not addressed
4. questions not answered
从上面我们可以看到,论文包括background、problems 、Review 、Proposals、experiment、results。论文的每一节都包含这些内容,只是写法上略有不同。
从自己看过的,觉得写得很好的论文中收集。例如,2019 CVPR的一篇论文ADVENT: Adversarial Entropy Minimization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation。
Semantic segmentation is a key problem for many computer vision tasks。
XX is a key problem for many XX tasks
上面介绍的“中国”就是computer vision这个大的领域,然后缩小到“辽宁”,也就是Semantic segmentation。 用的时候换上我们自己的名词,就变成了:“辽宁省”是“中国”的关键问题。