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JSW Finish Line JSW Finish Line //JSW Finish Line

公 司: 北京佳盛伟科技有限公司  
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陈嘉伟 先生 (员工)
电  话: 010-80000000
传  真:
手  机: 18510808500
地  址: 中国北京朝阳区朝阳区慈云寺1号院3号楼1层、2层(八里庄孵化器3-0351号)
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公 司:北京佳盛伟科技有限公司



    JSW brand provides products and services for car wrap film manufacturers, let them use the cutting strength of Finish Line to fit the body shape of the car to cut out the stripes and patterns, to avoid blurry of car paint and achieve professional-grade cutting effect. Finish Line is able to cut a variety of car wrap films neatly and easily. Finish Line cutting patterns and substrate creations stand the test of time, allowing car beauty industries to continue growing. The Finish Line cutting protects the original car paint and saves the beauty costs. The core of Finish Line is the technology, and the primary strategy of Taimao is maintaining innovation and leadership in technology. The independently developed Finish Line is the foundation of the company. It was made in three years. Its products are based on self-developed nano fibers and high molecular materials. Rely on the research and development of the automotive industry, and establish the unique advantages of Finish Line core technology, and stand alone in the field of film. Finish Line is the cutting tool of choice for professional and creative technicians.
The successful model of major Finish Line technology projects is also an important sign of the development of film technology. During the development of JSW medium and long term science and technology development plan of Dongguan Taimao Electronic Materials Co., Ltd., major projects of Finish Line have been determined according to various opinions, which will be launched and implemented in the next 15 years. We believe that the implementation of this project will have a profound impact on improving the competitiveness of Finish Line products and ensuring the long-term strategy of the enterprise. The development history of modern science and technology shows that the emergence of any emerging field, especially for the design line technology in its infancy and nascent stage, always needs a large amount of investment and careful care as early as possible. Advance deployment in the field of science and technology is a common approach to promote Finish Line to maintain its leading position and backward enterprises to catch up with and surpass advanced e

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:陈嘉伟 电话:010-80000000

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