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358809 IBM TS1080 Tape Drive Model 358809 IBM TS1080 Tape Drive Model//358809 IBM TS1080 Tape Drive Model

公 司: 广州市傲群数码科技有限公司 
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曹小姐 女士 (外贸业务员)
电  话: 020-38839372
传  真: 020-38839372
手  机: 13418141384
地  址: 中国广东广州市天河北路906号高科大厦A2003室
邮  编: 510000
公 司:广州市傲群数码科技有限公司



The IBM TS1080 Model F8A is designed to be installed in an IBM TS3500 tape library to deliver high capacity and performance for the midrange open systems environment. This model incorporates the new LTO Ultrium 8 Tape Drive with enhanced maximum tape drive throughput over the IBM LTO generation 7 Tape Drive (Ultrium 7). It has a native data transfer of up to 360 MBps for FH tape drives. The TS1080 Tape Drive supports the LTO generation 8 media specification of double the compressed capacity with up to 30 TB with 2.5 to 1 compression (up to 12 TB native capacity) as compared to previous LTO 7 compressed capacity of up to 15 TB with 2.5 to 1 compression (up to 6 TB native capacity) per tape cartridge. IBM Ultrium 8 tape drives can read and write LTO Ultrium 7. The TS1080 has an 8 Gbps Fibre Channel dual-ported interface for connection to a wide spectrum of open system servers.

Model abstract 3588-F8A
The IBM TS1080 LTO Ultrium 8 Tape Drive supports data encryption with Ultrium 8 and Ultrium 7 media.

IBM Ultrium 8 enhancements to help improve performance and reliability include:

Native data transfer rate of up to 360 MBps for FH tape drives
LTO generation 8 media specification tape cartridge compressed capacity of up to 30 TB (up to 12 TB native)
8 Gbps Fibre Channel dual-ported drive attachment
A 1 GB internal buffer
Support for media partitioning and self-describing tape with IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
LTO Ultrium 8 encryption support
Support for new and field merge TS1080 (3588-F8A) drives into 3584 models L53 and D53
LTO Ultrium 8 cartridge capacity of up to 240 PB per library (up to 600 PB with 2.5 to 1 compression)
TS1080 Model F8A can be installed in new or installed TS3500 Tape Library models L53, D53, L52, and D52

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:曹小姐 电话:020-38839372

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