Concrete Show India Mumbai
展会时间: 2020年9月03-05日
展会地点: 孟买展览中心
主办单位: UBM
举办周期: 一年一届
中国组团: 北京领汇国际展览有限公司 张梦远15638867438
Concrete Show India is a 3 day event being held from 14th May to the 16th May 2020 at the Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) in Mumbai, India. This event showcases products from three new categories for the Construction and Infrastructure segment including Concrete and Construction, Construction Equipments & IT systems and Construction Chemicals. The expo has grown over 40% to attract more than 5,000 industry visitors last year and is expected to see a much bigger growth through the introduction of these important categories. This yearu2019s expo also features an exclusive outdoor area for the construction equipment segment, the largest in the west. International exhibitors from countries like China, Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey and many more.
技术装备: 混合搅拌机械、混凝土回收分离设备、搅拌站、配料站、自动控制系统混凝土搅拌运输车、泵车、泵及配套产品;泵送机械、布料机械、喷射机械、浇注设备、计量设备;摊铺机械、振动设备、破碎、切割、焊接、绕丝等钢筋加工机械,模板、脚手架等施工机械装备,混凝土砌块、砖瓦生产机械,混凝土破碎设备,沥青混凝土搅拌、摊铺机械设备及配套产品;水泥散装储运设备;干粉砂浆生产设备及控制系统。
外加剂: 各类外加剂(减水剂、纤维、早强剂、微硅粉、葡萄糖酸纳、HPMC等)、外加材料、外加剂生产技术设备;检测、试验仪器:分析、计量、检测仪器设备,试验检测试剂及材料。