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PCD Cutting Tool Blanks PCD Cutting Tool Blanks//PCD Cutting Tool Blanks

公 司: More SuperHard Products Co., Ltd 
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shanshan 女士 (seller)
电  话: 371-86545906
传  真:
手  机: 18238997765
地  址: 中国河南郑州市No.171 Zhongyuan Rd, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou
邮  编: 450000
公 司:More SuperHard Products Co., Ltd



    More Super Hard PCD cutting tool blanks have different size can be used in super-fine processing and fine. They are applicable to the processing of non-metal materials as wood, ceramic, intensified planks and non-farrous material as copper and aluminum. We can supply all kinds of PCD cutting tool blanks that diameter can reach 62mm.

PCD Cutting Tool Blanks Application Recommendation
* W5 fine grain size(excellent surface finish)
Characters: Average grain size: 5μm, High diamond content over90%, Laser cutting ,wire EDM cutting
Applications:Aluminum, Brass/Copper,Precious metals, Wood composites,Plastic
* W10 medium grain size (excellent resistance, good surface finish)
Characters:Average grain size: 10μm, High diamond content over 90%, Laser cutting ,wire EDM cutting
Applications:<14% Si/Al alloys, Copper alloys, Graphite and graphite composites, Green ceramics and carbides
* W25 coarse grain size(Long life, extremely high wear resistance)
Characters:Average grain size: 25μm, High diamond contentover 90%, Laser cutting ,wire EDM cutting
Applications:14% Si/Al alloys, metal matrix composites, Bi-metals(aluminum/castiron), sintered ceramics and carbides
Application Cases Of PCD Cutting Tool Blanks
* 58mm diameter PCD wafers Have Sent To American Clien

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