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Diamond Wheels For CNC Tool Grinder Diamond Wheels For CNC Tool Grinder//Diamond Wheels For CNC Tool Grinder

公 司: 河南磨澳超硬材料有限公司 
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Tilly 女士 (外贸业务员)
电  话: 17550562586
传  真:
手  机: 17550562586
地  址: 中国河南郑州市中原区中原中路171号
邮  编: 450000
公 司:河南磨澳超硬材料有限公司



Mainly used for grinding digital controlled cutting tools such as tungsten carbide, high speed steel, stainless drill, mill and rimer.
1.Perfect processing quality
2.High efficient grinding with fast feeding
3.Good wear resistance and shape keeping

More SuperHard diamond / CBN grinding wheel for CNC tool grinder is used for tungsten carbide, high speed steel (HSS), stainless drill ,end mill and reamer.
We will provide a complete solution for CNC tools manufacturing process, including fluting, gashing and Clear edge, relief angle grinding .

Fluting : Perfect flute surface quality, Extremely high stock removal, Very low energy consumption
Model D (mm) T (mm) X (mm) H (mm) grit

1A1 75 10 5 20 D64
100 6, 10, 12 5, 10 20 D46, D64
125 10, 12, 16 10 20 D46, D64
150 12 10 20 D64

1V1 D (mm) T (mm) X (mm) H (mm) V°
75 10 5 20 45
100 10, 15 5 20 45
125 6, 10, 15 5 20 45
150 12 5 20 45

14F1 ( flute for drill ) D (mm) U (mm) X (mm) H (mm) R
100 4 6 20 2
125 3 5 20 1.5
150 1,5 5, 7 20 0.5 , 2.5
Gashing and Clear edge:The production of superior tool edge quality , High stock removal, Maintaining wheel profile
Model D (mm) T (mm) X (mm) H (mm) V°

1V1 100 10, 15 5, 10 20 45
125 4, 10, 15 5, 6, 10 20 45
D (mm) W (mm) X (mm) H (mm)
75 3 10 20
100 3 10 20
125 3 10 20
150 3 10 20
Relief angle grinding: Excellent surface finish and the best profile consistency, Excellent edge quality, High stock removal at second relief

11V9 D (mm) W (mm) X (mm) H (mm)
75 3 10 20
100 2, 3 10 20
125 3 10 20
* Other specification can be made according to customers requirements

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:Tilly 电话:17550562586

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