TL-820B型冷冻切片机能满足常规病理诊断应用及实验室应用。根据人体动力 学原理设计,采用通过CE认证的双压缩机制冷系统分别控制样本头和厢室的制 冷,使冷冻过程更高效可靠。切片机全封闭设计减少污染和损坏;独特的紫外 线消毒功能,确保冷冻操作在安全、无污染的环境下进行。
TL-820B Constant low temperature slices cutting apparatus
TL-820B can satisfy the normal regulations pathology diagnosis application and laboratory application. According to the human body dynamics principle design .Adopt dual compressors cold system of mechanism to control the cold refrigeration process of the heading of sample and the room of unit,to ensure higher effect credibility respectively.The machine totally-enclosed design reduces pollution and damage, the special ultraviolet rays disinfect function, insure a frozen operation in safety,operating under no pollution condition.
TL-820A型冷冻切片机能满足常规病理诊 断应用,操作方便、安全省力,具有快速 制冷、自动除霜、自动消毒等功能。
TL-820A with same function .Operating easily .safety and freezing quickly, reducing the ice and cleaning pollution.
TL-820C型冷冻切片机能满足常规病理诊断应用及更高实验室要求应用。根 据人体动力学原理和现代组织病理学家的需要,采用当代先进的双压缩机制冷 系统和辅以原装进口部件的切片系统,使该机具有操作简便、制冷快、易清 洁、防污染的功能.强化的安全设计给冷冻切片带来全新理念。
TL-820C can meet the higher demand of the pathology diagnosis application and laboratory application. The compressor is better, cutting system is fitted for imported unit, bring a new concept for cutting apparatus.Operating easily .safety and freezing quickly, reducing the ice and cleaning pollution automaticly.
TL-820C、D型工作噪音低至38分贝{ db }以下
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