力科LeCroy DDA5005A数字示波器深圳回收@
力科LeCroy DDA5005A数字示波器深圳回收@
力科LeCroy DDA5005A数字示波器深圳回收@全国回收二手仪器仪表 只要您一个电话,立即上门给你处理,现金即付!
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DDA 5005A数字示波器产品简介:
Maximum Performance
Since their inception, Disk Drive Analysis (DDA) Series oscilloscopes have helped data storage design engineers improve the time to market of new products and accelerated understanding and failure analysis on existing drives. LeCroy continues that tradition with its powerful Disk Drive Analysis toolset, enabling you to capture, view, and analyze the waveshape of high-speed, complex drive signals with speed and integrity. LeCroy's X-Stream architecture integrates SiGe "digitizer on a chip" technology and a specialized high-speed streaming bus design to transfer data from the ADC to a proprietary acquisition memory. The X-Stream architecture enables disk drive engineers to quickly, easily, and accurately measure and analyze disk drive signals |