The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The winter lubricating oil of engine and transmission should be changed to summer lubricating oil. On the other hand, I also want to check the brake fluid. After spring, there will be more and more rain and more humidity in the air. If there is a small amount of water in the brake fluid before the rainy season, it will be very dangerous and will cause brake failure or even failure. For some vehicles with serious water absorption of brake fluid, water droplets can be seen on the brake fluid cup cover. Therefore, the brake fluid must be checked during maintenance to ensure your life safety.济南路通悦宝汽车服务有限公司是一家集进口国产轿车,越野车、城市SUV,诊断,维修与保养及配件供应、车险销售理赔为一体的汽车修理保养服务养护维修单位。拥有多种大型检测设备,主营:进口国产 、奔驰、宝马、奥迪、保时捷、沃尔沃、路虎、大众等豪华车诊断维修与保养服务(德系之家)。
本单位员工均持证上岗,经过培训,确保每台车辆维修质量如新! |