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进口V型球阀哪家品牌好? 进口V型球阀哪家品牌好?//进口V型球阀哪家品牌好?

公 司: 上海凡而阀门有限公司 
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陈丙辉 先生 (销售经理)
电  话: 021-69575760
传  真: 021-54233935
手  机: 13917909444
地  址: 中国上海徐汇区上海市徐汇区上海市徐汇区龙漕路51弄
邮  编: 200235
公 司:上海凡而阀门有限公司




Product Description:

The valve core hole processing tooling and its processing method. The valve core hole processing tooling of V-type ball valve includes: a bottom plate installed on the chuck of the machine tool; A support seat arranged on the bottom plate, and the support seat has a support surface matched and contacted with the V-shaped opening surface of the valve core of the V-shaped ball valve; A pressing device for pressing the valve core to the support surface, and the pressing device is arranged on the base plate. The V-shaped ball valve core hole processing tooling provided improves the processing accuracy.


The valve core (ball) of the V-shaped ball valve has a V-shaped notch, and the flow regulation is realized by adjusting the valve core through the valve stem. In order to improve the adjustment accuracy, the valve rod is connected with the valve core. Therefore, both ends of the valve core are provided with valve core holes. The valve core hole at one end (spline end) of the valve core is generally a spline hole, and the valve core hole at the other end of the valve core is provided with a smooth hole.


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