专门制作贵金属烤瓷牙,二氧化锆,铸瓷,钴铬烤瓷牙,钛合金烤瓷牙,银钯烤瓷牙,种植体,纯钛钢托,钴铬钢托,精密附件,胶托义齿,隐形义齿,夜磨牙垫,各类矫正器等。公司引进高科技义齿制作设备,有多年丰富的制作义齿产品的经验,拥有技术娴熟的专家和优质及时的服务 Myy Dental Lab was established in 2000.Ltd is a comprehensive outsourcing enterprise specializing in various areas including high-end dental production, research & development, marketing and technician training. The company produces a large variety of goods, all of which are certified with respective credentials. These goods are mainly sold to high-end dental businesses in different foreign markets, namely Germany, France |