司对收货人索赔做出赔付承诺的书面回函;the damage/loss report from the airline company or
its agent, or the payment receipt signed by the consignee which means that the carrier has
paid the damage/loss according to the clause of the waybill, or the airline company’s
written confirmation of paying to the damage/loss to the consignee
10.收货人与承运人(和其他责任方)关于损失索赔的函件、传真等;correspondence exchange
with the Carriers and other Parties regarding their liability for the damage
11.收货人致平安的索赔函和索赔清单(须列名索赔事项和金额)consignee’s claim letter to Ping
An which clarify the damage situation and the claim amount
12.如发生残值处理或维修,请提供相应的发票;if salvage action or recondition, please submit
the relevant invoice
冷藏集装箱运输货物发现变质、腐烂等,通常需要提供下列资料 |