AD-946 Ammonia Decomposition Catalyst
1. 产品概述 Product Description
AD-946 Ammonia Decomposition Catalyst is cooperatively developed by our company and chemical physics research institute in Dalian of Chinese Academy of Sciences, for insteading of Germany G-117. It is provided with the properties of great catalytic activity, high mechanical strength, and excellent thermal and coking resistance. It is used in the ammonia decomposing furnace to decompose the NH3 and HCN etc. into N2, H2 and CO2, and so as to effectively purify the coke-oven gas for the sake of environmental protection and prevent the equipment from corrosion.
2. 技术特性Technical Feature
(1)反应方程式 Chemical reaction
NH3 → 0.5 N2 + 1.5H2 2HCN + 2H2O + O2→ N2 + 5H2 + 2CO2
(2)主要技术指标Technical Indexes
项目 Item AD-946 AD-946 A AD-946 B
颜色 Color 灰黑色 Grey and Black
形状Shape 柱状Cylinder 拉西环状Rasching Ring 蜂窝状Honeycomb
尺寸Size, mm Φ18×20 Φ18×20×5 Φ18×20
镍含量Ni Content, % ≥6 ≥6 ≥6
堆密度Bulk density, g/ml 1.4 ~ 1.6 1.3 ~ 1.5 1.2 ~1.5
比表面积Surface area, m2/g 1 ~ 3 2 ~ 4 2 ~ 5
抗压强度Crushing strength, N ≥1000 ≥1000 ≥1100
耐温度Thermal resistance, ℃ ≥1350 ≥1350 ≥1350
3. 正常操作条件Normal Operating Conditions
操作温度Operating Temperature 1000~1200℃
*大温度Maximum Teperature 1350℃
压力Pressure 0.1~1MPa
气体空速Space Velocity 1000~3000 h-1
氨分解率NH3 Decomposing Rate ≧94% |