VPS 静态平衡阀 - 安装说明
静态平衡是通过预设的开度位置来完成的。选择的预设值能从2圈开度指示上来 读取(基本圈数和精确到 / 0圈的显示)。平衡阀有两个螺纹部位可以连接丝 堵球阀或压差测量装置。交货时,DN 5-50配置测量接头,DN65及以上安装2个 盲丝堵,包装袋内提供测量接头以现场更换。此平衡阀既可安装在供水管上, 也可以安装在回水管上,一般安装在回水管上。
收货时需检验阀门是否在运输过程中有损坏。小心将阀门放置到地面上。需要 吊装时,务必紧固阀体,禁止吊装任何青铜或不锈钢内件。
阀门安装前需要保持清洁、干燥。如果超过6个月的长时间存储,建议阀座密封 面涂覆一层食品级的油脂。禁止将橡胶内件暴露在阳光或臭氧环境中。
阀门必须安装在相同规格的管道上,必须保证接介质流向同阀体上箭头的方向 一致。
建议按下图所示安装。为保证流量测量的准确性,必须保证阀门的进出口端拥 有足够长度的直管道。进口端直管道的长度不少于5倍的阀门公称通径,出口端 直管道的长度不少于2倍的阀门公称通径。如果阀门安装在泵的出口端,泵出口 与阀门进口端之间的直管道长度不少于 0倍阀门公称通径。
Static balance is achieved by pre-setting of opening position,which could be read by scale on two circles (one for basic circle and another for fine adjustable circle). DN 5-50 valves have two pressure testing connectors, while DN65 and above have two plugs on the valves, two testing connectors in the package to be replaced on jobsite. The valves may be installed in either the supply or the return pipe, and normally on the return pipe.
Inspection And Storage
Inspect valves while receiving the valve. Put all valves carefully on the ground. When lifting, the valve should be tightly secured and never lifted by the bronze or stainless steel trim.
The valves should keep clean and dry before installation. If storage period more than six months, the surfaces of the seat (when provided) should be coated with a thin film of FDA approved grease. Do not expose rubber seat to sunlight or ozone.
The flow arrow on the valve must be the same to the flow direction in the pipe system.
The valve must be installed in a run of pipe of the same nominal size. All valves are recommended to be installed as fig below. To ensure flow measurement accuracy it
is essential that the piping on the inlet and outlet sides is straight and has a minimum length equivalent to 5 diameters at inlet and 2 diameters at outlet as shown. If the valve is located on the outlet from a pump then it is essential that the straight pipe length between pump outlet and valve inlet is a minimum of 0 diameters.
平衡阀不需要常规的日常维护。如果阀杆与压兰之间有泄漏,可以拧紧一下压 兰填料。拆下手轮锁母,去掉手轮。按要求拧紧压兰螺栓。不要过度拧紧以免 影响正常操作。(阀门没有上密封功能,不能带压去除压兰)。重新安装手 轮,检查阀门是否正常操作,是否有泄漏。
No routine maintenance is required. It is possible to tighten the gland while leakage happen between stem and gland Unscrew the hand wheel nut, remove the hand wheel, tighten the gland screw. (The valves are not provided with top sealing. Removing gland without relieving the presssure is prohibited.) Reinstall the hand wheel, check the valve for smooth operating and no leakage. |
![](http://img.qy6.com.cn/images/noimg.gif) |