No wax polishing template is a high-efficient, practical polishing template designed for ideal application to all types of semiconductor crystal materials, including silicon wafers, as well as metals and glass. The product can prevent wafers crossing and peeling the templates effectively, and improve the templates’ working life as well as avoid fragment, chip, scratch and damage, therefore, the yield and productivity of wafers are both increase obviously. From the many types of polishing templates available, a suitable one can be selected for each job. The polishing templates can be chosen in the form of a roll or made-to-order sizes are available.
型号Type 项目 Item 240 300 360 480
外径 external diameter (mm) 240 300 360 480
孔径 Pore size (mm) 定制 定制 定制 定制
膜材料 Film material PU PU PU PU
膜厚度 Film thickness (μm) 200 200 200 200
膜孔隙率 film porosity 30-50 30-50 30-50 30-50
Substrate material 玻纤板
Fiberglass plate 玻纤板
Fiberglass plate 玻纤板
Fiberglass platee 玻纤板
Fiberglass plate
Application 抛光
polishing 抛光
polishing 抛光
polishing 抛光
包装 Package 10张/箱, 50张/箱, 100张/箱 |
![](http://img.qy6.com.cn/new13/xmsemi/1397198653.jpg) |