•產品描述 DeSCRJPTion
光電混合光纜的結構是將 250μm 光纖套入高模量材料製成的松套管中,松套管內填充防水化合物。纜芯中心為FRP或金屬加強件(有些結構需在加強件加一層PE墊層)。電線與松套管(和填充繩)圍繞中心加強芯絞合成緊湊和圓形的纜芯,纜芯內的縫隙充以阻水填充物。雙面塗塑鋼帶(PSP)縱包後擠制聚乙烯或低煙無鹵(LSZH)護套成纜。
The fibers,250μm,are POSTTTIONed in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. The cable core is FRP or metallic strength member( some structures need add PE as bedding layer in the strength member). Electric wires and tubes (and fillers) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core. The cable core is filled with the filling compound to protect it from water ingress. After two sides PSP are longitudinally applied over the inner sheath ,the cable is completed with PE or LSZH outer sheath.
•產品特點 Characteristics
• 具有很好的柔韌性和機械性能
• Good flexibility and mechanical properties
• 光電一體,充分節約管道資源
• Opto and electricity integrated, fully save pipeline resources
• 電纜部分與光纜部分保持相對獨立的結構,便於安裝時的引入、引出和連接
• Electric and optical cable maintain relatively independent structure, easy to import,
export and link when installation |
![](http://img.qy6.com.cn/new15/tianwensz/1409886552.jpg) |