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哪里供应端面铣床 哪里供应端面铣床//哪里供应端面铣床

公 司: 泊头市迅达机床平台量具有限公司 
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郭经理 先生 (经理)
电  话: 0317-8199055
传  真: 0317-8197709
手  机: 15831899946
地  址: 中国河北泊头市河北省泊头市洼里王镇郭屯村
邮  编: 062150
公 司:泊头市迅达机床平台量具有限公司



     端面铣床由以下几部分构成:Face milling machine consists of the following sections

  1. 床身:端面铣床床身分为双矩形导轨和一矩一V合组形导轨两种,床身导轨面都经过超音频淬火处理,深度为3-5毫米,硬度为HRC-52.耐磨性能好,使用寿命长.

  Lathe bed :face milling machine lathe bed is divided into double rectangular guideway and a rectangular and a V composite guideway,Lathe bed guide surface get through super audio quenching processing,the depth is3-5mm,the hardness is HRC-52,the machine has excellent wearability and long life.

  2. 工作台:工作台采用优质耐磨铸铁铸造而成,精加工后,采用手工铲刮与导轨面配铲而成。工作台的进给采用变频器,实现无级变速。

  Worktable:worktable is made of high quality cast iron , after finishing, adopts manual shovel scraping and guide surface scraping,worktable feed adopts frequency converter, achieve stepless variable speed.


  Column:column guide adopts two rectangular guideways(one is high,the other is short). the high guideway is 55mm higher than the short one, the large guide surface, high stability, good Is made of super audio quenching treatment, the hardness wear-resisting performance is good. Workpiece height without being limited by the machine, vertical milling,it can work in vertical way(up and down)


  Horizontal lathe bed:Horizontal lathe bed is vertical with the main lathe bed in the horizontal plane,movement(front and back) with the main lathe bed center line in the horizontal plane along the vertical. Milling is broad,the leadscrew nut is driven by a speed reducer

  5. 主轴:拥有独立进给系统,进给速度由变频器控制,可根据工件不同材质,调节镗孔(钻孔)速度。 其中自动进给可选300/460/600mm,手动微调为150mm

  Spindle has independent feed system, feed speed is controlled by frequency converter, according to different workpiece material to adjust the speed of boring (bore). Which automatically feed optional is 300/460/600 mm, manual fine tuning is 150 mm

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