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供应 邵阳市移动升降机 武冈市升降舞台 岳阳市导轨货梯 供应 邵阳市移动升降机 武冈市升降舞台 岳阳市导轨货梯//供应 邵阳市移动升降机 武冈市升降舞台 岳阳市导轨货梯

公 司: 济南涵商高升液压机械有限公司 
留言询价 加为商友
  联系信息 企业信息
王鑫 先生 (经理)
电  话: 0531-84351456
传  真: 0531-84355567
手  机: 15864538110
地  址: 中国山东济阳县山东省济南市济北开发区
邮  编: 251400
公 司:济南涵商高升液压机械有限公司



Product Description: lifting stage, also called stage lift is suitable for in the middle of the floor or a fixed stage, setting a round or square lifting stage, can be free to increase or decrease. Stage size and the lifting height can be designed according to customer requirements. Also in accordance with the requirements, into view, multiple lifting stage group, can increase the stereo dynamic to enrich the effect of stage multi function. Lifting stage adopts effective guidance system, so that the telescopic platform in the translation process and the fixed station of small space, stable running, stepless speed change. Synchronous device adopts a low-speed torque drive, the stage in the stretching process of absolute parallelism, freely, stretched, it can realize automatically fill.
适用场所:适应汽车展示、于会堂、影剧院、多功能厅、演播厅、文化体育场馆、酒店等文化娱乐场所。 升降舞台分为旋转舞台升降机、伸缩舞台升降机、升降舞台及各种大型舞台升降机。
Place to be used: adapt to the auto show, Yu Huitang, movie theaters, multi-function hall, hall,cultural and sports venues, hotels and other cultural entertainment. Lifting stage is pided into the rotary lift stage, expansion stage lift, lifting stage and a large variety of stage lift.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. 联系人:王鑫 电话:0531-84351456

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