锅炉维修っ13685262969常州市武鸿锅炉辅机设备有限公司っ本公司是专业设计、制造各类锅炉辅机锅炉维修的定点企业,目前产品主要包括上煤机、出渣机、炉排减速箱等系列产品,长期以来始终为各导热油炉、蒸汽型炉锅炉维修等生产厂家提供定点配套服务。The company is a professional design, manufacture various types of boiler auxiliary boiler maintenance of sentinel enterprises, the main products include coal machine, slag machine, a grate gear box, etc. series of products, long-term since the beginning for each heat conducting boiler, steam boiler maintenance manufacturers to provide fixed services.