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联系人:王小姐 女士 (主管)
电 话:021-51693135
手 机:13052326431


汉高汉高 乐泰乐泰 贴片红胶 Chipbond 348


    汉高汉高 乐泰乐泰 贴片红胶 Chipbond 348

技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476

乐泰®348™ is designed for the bonding of surface mounted devices to printed circuit boards prior to wave soldering. Particularly suited for applications where medium to high dispense speeds, high dot profile, high wet strength and good electrical characteristics are required.


Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.2

Yield Point, 25 °C, Pa

Cone & Plate Rheometer:

Haake PK 100, M10/PK 1 2° Cone

300 to 700LMS

Casson Viscosity @ 25 °C, Pa∙s

Cone & Plate Rheometer:

Haake PK 100, M10/PK 1 2° Cone 1 to 5

Flash Point - See MSDS


Recommended conditions for curing are exposure to heat above 100 °C (typically 90-120 seconds @ 150 °C). Rate of cure and final strength will depend on the residence time at the cure temperature. Cure Speed vs. Time, Temperature The following graph shows the rate of torque strength developed with time at different temperatures. These times are defined from the moment the adhesive reaches cure temperature. In practice, total oven time may be longer to allow for heat up period. Strength is measured on 1206 capacitors @ 22 °C, tested according to IPC SM817, TM-650 Method 2.4.42

王小姐 女士 (主管)  
电  话: 021-51693135
传  真: 021-51693136
移动电话: 13052326431
公司地址: 中国上海闵行区乐泰公司
邮  编: 200030
公司主页: http://loctite.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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胶水公司 公司地址:中国上海闵行区乐泰公司
王小姐 女士 (主管) 电话:021-51693135 传真:021-51693136

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