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联系人:王小姐 女士 (经理)
电 话:021-51693135
手 机:13052326431


TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水


    TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水

TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2126乐泰胶水,电子胶水

技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476

推荐用于那些需要具有高性能结构,机械和电气性能的易于使用的黑色(不透明)环氧胶粘剂系统的现代照相,工业和实验室粘合和层压应用。这种两部分光滑胶体触变环氧树脂配方不含溶剂,易于处理,因为它在室温下可以很容易地混合和固化。它对自身和大多数材料(包括玻璃和玻璃织物,陶瓷,木材,皮革,金属和许多塑料)强力粘合,固化时收缩率低,并且在宽温度范围内具有优异的尺寸稳定性。完全固化的TRA-BOND 2126具有良好的低温耐冲击性和机械性能,是最有效的电绝缘体。此外,它耐水,耐候,氧气,臭氧,石油产品,喷气燃料,盐,弱酸和碱,以及许多有机和无机化合物。

固化时间480 min 8.00小时4小时@ 25°C + 4小时@ 65°C



Material Notes:TRA-BOND 2126 is recommended for those modern photographic, industrial, and laboratory bonding and laminating applications where an easy-to-use, black (opaque) epoxy adhesive system with high performance structural, mechanical and electrical properties is required. This two-part smooth paste thixotropic epoxy formulation contains no solvents and is easy to handle as it readily mixes and cures at room temperature. It bonds strongly to itself and to most materials (including glass and glass fabrics, ceramics, wood, leather, metals and many plastics), exhibits low shrinkage during cure, and has excellent dimensional stability over a wide temperature range. Fully cured TRA-BOND 2126 has good low temperature impact resistance and mechanical properties, and is a most effective electrical insulator. In addition, it is resistant to water, weather, oxygen, ozone, petroleum products, jet fuels, salts, mild acids and alkalis, and many organic and inorganic compounds.

Cure Time 480 min 8.00 hour 4 hrs @ 25°C + 4 hrs @ 65°C

1440 min@Tem

王小姐 女士 (经理)  
电  话: 021-51693135
传  真: 021-51693136
移动电话: 13052326431
公司地址: 中国上海闵行区闵行
邮  编:
公司主页: http://odif.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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乐泰|乐泰胶水 公司地址:中国上海闵行区闵行
王小姐 女士 (经理) 电话:021-51693135 传真:021-51693136

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