TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水
TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水TRA-BOND 2248乐泰胶水,电子胶水
技术服务热线:021-51693135 / 021-22818476
是一种触变性,高温固化,100%固体的环氧树脂体系,可在各种材料(包括金属,玻璃,陶瓷和许多塑料)之间提供牢固的坚韧结合。该粘合剂被推荐用于高达190°C的粘合应用,需要良好的高低温机械和电气性能。它是一种全液体系统,在室温下易于混合和处理和应用,尽管需要最终的高温固化以获得满意的粘合。完全固化的TRA- BOND 2248具有优异的抗冲击和耐热冲击性,对气体和蒸气的低渗透性,以及出色的耐水,耐候,氧气和臭氧,大多数石油溶剂和燃料,弱酸和碱,以及许多其他有机和无机化合物。该系统符合美国航空航天局除气可接受性的ASTM E-595-90规范。当预期应用温度高于125°C时,建议在125°C下进行额外的后固化2小时。
固化时间60.0 min @温度100°C
Material Notes:TRA-BOND 2248 is a thixotropic, high temperature cure, 100% solids epoxy resin system that provides strong, tough bonds between a wide range of materials (includes metals, glass, ceramics, and many plastics). This adhesive is recommended for bonding applications up to 190°C where good high and low temperature mechanical and electrical properties are required. It is an all liquid system that is easily mixed and handled and applied at room temperature although a final high-temperature cure is REQUIRED for satisfactory bonds. Fully cured TRA- BOND 2248 has excellent impact and thermal shock resistance, low permeability to gases and vapors, and outstanding resistance to water, weather, oxygen and ozone, most petroleum solvents and fuels, mild acids and alkalis, and many other organic and inorganic compounds. This system complies with specification ASTM E-595-90 for NASA outgassing acceptability. An additional post-cure of 2 hours at 125°C is recommended when application temperatures higher than 125°C are anticipated.
Cure Time 60.0 min@Temperature 100 °C
1.0 hour@Temperature 212 ° |