商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | 网址:yinxigu.qy6.com 深圳高端产品动画团队_深圳市银溪谷数码传媒有限公司 手机站
联系人:廖叠映 先生 (总经理)
电 话:0755-26676853
手 机:13728887565







Shenzhen Yinxigu of digital technology Co.,Ltd.is a professional,digital

integrated packaging service company. Over the years, we by virtue of the unique artistic

temperament, superb professional skills and rich project experience in packaging, to the spirit

of tenacious struggle and a serious and responsible work attitude, the industry won a good

reputation and praise.

商业及工业企业 Commercial and industrial enterprises

—— 产品效果图、三维动画、产品及企业宣传片、 网站 、虚拟现实、工业仿真

—— Product renderings, 3D animation, promotional video for product and

enterprise, website, virtual reality, industrial emulation


Research Academies and Institutes of architectural design, planning design and

landscape design

—— 前期方案辅助设计、表现图、三维动画、方案演示、方案文本

—— Pre-stage planning aided design, presentation drawing, 3D animation, planning display and

planning text

房地产开发商 Real Estate Developer

—— 楼盘效果图、三维动画、项目宣传片、数字沙盘、户型填色、网站、电子楼书

—— Real estate renderings, 3D animation, project promotional video, digital sand table, house

layout coloring, website and electronic brochure


Planning exhibition hall and other exhibition buildings, science

museum and other museums

—— 三维动画、宣传片、4D电影、弧幕及环幕影片、虚拟现实、数字多媒体展示

—— 3D animation, promotional video, 4D movie, cyclorama and circularscreen

video, virtual reality and digital multimedia display

廖叠映 先生 (总经理)  
电  话: 0755-26676853
传  真:
移动电话: 13728887565
公司地址: 中国广东深圳市山区科苑北路科兴科学园B4单元14楼c008
邮  编:
公司主页: http://yinxigu.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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深圳市银溪谷数码传媒有限公司 公司地址:中国广东深圳市山区科苑北路科兴科学园B4单元14楼c008
廖叠映 先生 (总经理) 电话:0755-26676853 传真:

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