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联系人: 先生 (售前)
电 话:028-85493800
手 机:18980026252


H3CPOE供电模块NetEnergy NE-PSE601 DC-48V


    CISCO思科 华为 H3C ZTE中兴 NETGEAR网件 DLINK 锐捷 SMC UT斯达康 海康 大华)所有DC48V设备POE供电,如工业级无线AP,电信级无线网桥,网络摄像机等,同时也可通过POE分离器实现对所有5V,9V,12V,15V及24V的设备DC供电Single Port 24W Power Over Ethernet Adaptor

PSE101 ( PoE injector)


? Conforms to IEEE802.3af standard ? Data and Power carried over one Ethernet Cable

? Built in Adaptor ? Power cable included

? LED Indicating ? RJ45 data Input interface


? IP Telephones ? Security Camera

? Wireless Network Access Points ? IP Print Servers

? Blue Tooth Access Point

Mechanical Characteristics

? Length: 123mm ? Height: 40mm

? Width: 61mm ? Weight: 0.2Kg

Output Specifications

Model DC Output Voltage Load Regulation

PSE101 48V Min. Max. Line Load

0A 0.5A ±4%

Ripple And Noise* Vp-p*

<500Hz 0.5

500Hz-150KHz 0.5

150KHz-500KHz 0.5

500KHz-1MHz 0.5

All specifications are subject to change without any pirior notice!

PSE101 Characteristics


AC Input Voltage Range EMC

90 to 264VAC FCC Part 15 Class B

AC Input Voltage Rating EN55022 Class B

100 to 240VAC Isolation Test

AC Input Current Primary to Secondary: 3000VAC for 1 minute 10mA

0.5A(RMS) max. for 90VAC Primary to F.G.: 1500VAC for 1 minute

0.35A(RMS) max. for 240VAC Output to F.G.: 1500VAC

Leakage Current Immunity EN50082-1

0.25mA max. @ 254VAC 60Hz ESD: EN61000-4-2. Level 3

AC Input Frequency RS: EN61000-4-3. Level 2

47-63Hz EFT: EN61000-4-4. Level 2

AC Inrush Current Surge: EN61000-4-5. Level 3

15A(RMS) max. for 115VAC CS: EN61000-4-6. Level 2

20A(RMS) max. for 230VAC Voltage Dips EN61000-4-11

OUTPUT: Harmonic: EN61000-3-2

Total Output Power Insulation Resistance

24W Primary to secondary: >10M OHM 500VDC

Efficiency Primary to FC: >10M OHM 500VDC

80% (typical) at Max. load, and 120VAC 60Hz FEATURE:

Hold-up Time Over Voltage/Current, Short Circuit Protection

16mS min. 120VAC and max. load The output can be shorted permanently without damage

Transient O/P Vol

先生 (售前)  
电  话: 028-85493800
传  真: 028-85493800
移动电话: 18980026252
公司地址: 中国四川成都市武侯区人民南路三段24号
邮  编: 610000
公司主页: http://wlansys.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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成都远距网络科技有限公司 公司地址:中国四川成都市武侯区人民南路三段24号
先生 (售前) 电话:028-85493800 传真:028-85493800

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