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Cucumber in the growth period, if malnutrition, mismanagement, or in case of bad weather and some diseases disseminated, often cause yellow leaves, affecting the growth of cucumber, and even crops. Cucumber leaves yellowing mainly in the following three categories:


Deficiency of leaves. Deficiency of leaves into the middle and lower part of the old Ye Xian Huang Hezhong, the first two kinds of yellow leaves in the upper. In the lower part of the old Ye Xian yellow, the missing elements are mostly easy to re-use elements in plants, such as nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc..


1 the whole plant growth was resisted, and the whole old leaf was lack of green for Ye Xian. Prevention and control measures are foliar spray 0.5% ~ 1% urea solution for 2 ~ 3 times.


2 of the whole plant growth without obvious loss of green and yellow veins to resist, chlorosis between veins of yellow, green leaf margin, or residual green spots, not curly, for magnesium deficiency. The preventive measures were spraying 1% to 2% Magnesium Sulfate solution.


3 no obvious inhibition of plant growth, leaf edge chlorosis and necrosis, sometimes the leaves are also green to necrotic spots, lack of potassium. Prevention is a foliar application of 0.3% ~ 0.5% and 2 ~ 3 potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

济南曲堤黄瓜常年代收批发(黄瓜/黄瓜苗销售电话 ★13964174712)本公司黄瓜产自济阳县曲堤镇,地处黄河下游冲 积平原。

曲堤黄瓜常年销售如有需要批发黄瓜、黄瓜蔬菜,黄瓜苗的,可联系电话 13964174712 或15006

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