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Thomson直线运动单元 |
THOMSON(汤姆森) 品牌涵盖以下产品:
更多技术内容及应用请联系danaher thomson产品销售工程师黄章平18518556288,
Thomson Tollo Linear Units 直线单元/直线运动单元/直线传动单元
Thomson Neff Linear Units 直线单元/直线运动单元/直线传动单元
Thomson Neff Worm gear screw jacks 蜗轮丝杠螺旋升降机/千斤顶
Thomson Tollo Dynamic Servo Actuators 动态伺服执行器
Thomson Ball Screw Driven: Ball Guided Units 滚珠丝杠驱动滚珠导轨导向单元
Thomson Ball Screw Driven: Slide Guided Units 滚珠丝杠驱动滑轨导向单元
Thomson Ball Screw Driven: Wheel Guided Units 滚珠丝杠驱动导轮导轨导向单元
Thomson Belt Driven: Ball Guided Units 皮带驱动滚珠导轨导向单元
Thomson Belt Driven: Slide Guided Units 皮带驱动滑轨导向单元
Thomson Belt Driven: Wheel Guided Units 皮带驱动导轮导轨导向单元
Thomson Linear Lifting Units 直线提升单元
Thomson MovoZ telescopic linear units(Z2/Z3) 伸缩式直线单元
Thomson Linear Rod Units 直线推杆单元(电动缸)
Thomson Tollo Handling Components 搬运部件
Thomson Tollo Movolift system 起重提升系统
Thomson Tollo Movoact Lifting Column 升降柱
Thomson Tollo Movorail Components 轨道传输部件
Thomson Tollobelt overhead rodless actuators 吊顶无杆执行器
Thomson Tollo Conveyor Systems 传输系统
Thomson Tollo Linear Actuators 直线执行器(电动推杆)
Thomson Tollo Precision Linear Actuators 精密直线执行器(电动缸)
Thomson Tollo Rodless Actuators 无杆执行器
Thomson Positioning Slides 定位滑台
Thomson IDC precision positioning tables 精密定位平台
Thomson Micron True Planetary Gearheads 行星齿轮减速机
Thomson Clutches and Brakes 离合器和制动器
Thomson Linear Bearings and Guides 直线轴承和导轨
Thomson Profile Rail 方导轨
Thomson Round Rail 圆导轨
Thomson Linear Bearings 直线轴承
Thomson Linear Ball Bushing Bearings And Components直线滚珠衬套轴承及部件
Thomson Linear Motion Metric Components 直线运动公制组件
Thomson 60 Case LinearRace shafting 轴杆
Thomson LinearRace Shaft Rail Assemblies 轴轨组件
Thomson LinearRace Shaft Supports 轴支撑件
Thomson Ball Screws 滚珠丝杠
Thomson Lead Screws 普通丝杠
Thomson Aeros |