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联系人:刘经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0531-88275278
手 机:18763996167





How to design the LED lighting technology usually show cabinet (below Ra80) the light blue. The diamond platinum show cabinet this premise is not high, but the gold jewelry, it is not work. LED lamps usually color is not good, Ra is very low, below 80 (Ra is the numerical comparison, Japan light Ra is 100).


And show the association of words, the premise can really show the lighting effect of the nature of the objects. Show material convenience cabinet production brought about by the industrial society, through various media show, creating a visual effect variable, to the end of the preamble belongs to the scope of trade plan, and a new idea to change consumer goods the shopping psychology, so that consumers under the influence of the implementation of the green way, with the goods. The practice confirmed that the design of more smoothly tend to have high strength or incentive way high feeling new in order to be different, with high technology and modern way of life to adapt, resulting in people's lack of design beauty. The sense of the times is the lack of visual impact, so difficult to learn, not for people to pay attention.


The premise of the museum is Ra, which is above 92 (illumination design example). The display cabinet is not the premise of the example. In order to raise the design character and the store level of the owner, the high stand

刘经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0531-88275278
传  真: 0531-88275278
移动电话: 18763996167
公司地址: 中国山东济南市山东省济南市天桥区大桥镇倪家庄工业园
邮  编: 257000
公司主页: http://hongfu123.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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