Exports: main export area is mainly composed of ballot boxes, export automatic road gate, vehicle detection coil, export camera system etc..
The temporary car parking lot exit, at the exit of the driver to non contact ID card to charge record information automatically calculate the payment, prompt the driver to pay, at the same time the automatic display of the vehicle entering the image on the computer, and then system prompt, release the electric fence rising car pulled out of the parking lot rental truck drivers. The monthly card across the sensor range in the export of ballot boxes, boxes in the ID card reader to read the card information, to judge its effectiveness, at the same time the system automatically displays the vehicle entering the image, if the image is effective and play video map, will automatically release. Special truck car pulled out of the parking lot, the driver put the special card through export ballot boxes sensor distance, ID card reader card reader features the card and related information to export the ballot box.
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