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联系人:张经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0531-82827969
手 机:17862963874





  Gift towels are essential for families and the most common among gifts. Towel gifts can be sent to employees as welfare gifts, or to customers in peacetime, so that we can also maintain the feelings between our customers and so on. Towel gifts are widely used, but when we send these gifts, we need to pay attention to the quality of the gift towel and how to distinguish the quality.


  The quality and texture of towels determine the quality of towels. The material of towels can be divided into fiber, cotton, cotton and so on. It also has many kinds of washcloth, pillow towel, bath towel, towel blanket, sofa towel and so on.

  需要知道的是涤棉吸水性差,时间一久就会发硬, 纯棉手感好, 但是不坚实,不能长期使用,易破损,竹木纤维吸水性别前两者都好,但是成本价格高了很多,用起来和普通毛巾没多大区别,除非是特殊需要,比如美容类的需要,

  We need to know that the water absorption of polyester cotton is poor, the time will be hard, pure cotton feel good, but not solid, not long-term use, easy breakage, bamboo and wood fiber before water absorption both good, but the cost is much higher, use up and ordinary towels are not much different, in addition to the special needs, such as the needs of beauty, such as the n

山东龙彻国际贸易有限公司(18560033432)成立于2015年, 注册资本501万元,现已ISO9001质量管理体系认证。是以提供客户全方位优质服务,是集设计、开发、营销于一体的综合性的礼品公司,经营产品涉及电子产品、工艺品、家居纺织日用品、食品及各种不同价位档的礼品自选册等近百大类、万余种商品;可以为客户提供积分礼品、促销礼品、广告礼品、会议礼品、企业形象礼品、文化办公用品、年节福利礼品等多种礼品及策划方案。凭借着优秀的服务意识、完善的供货系统、超前的礼品创意,龙彻国际先后成功地为众多知名企事业单位提供了全方位的礼品及解决方案。

经营范围: 批发、零售:食品、家具、建材、五金交电、电子

张经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0531-82827969
传  真: 0531-82827969
移动电话: 17862963874
公司地址: 中国山东济南市山东省济南市天桥区北园大街338号豪鲁电子商厦4F-1室
邮  编: 240000
公司主页: http://sdlcgjmy.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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张经理 先生 (经理) 电话:0531-82827969 传真:0531-82827969

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